Improvements to LEWCO CDLR, Chain Driven Live Roller Conveyors

LEWCO Inc. has recently updated the standards which define our CDLR25 and CDLR26 models, increasing their durability while maintaining our competitive cost advantage. The improvements fall into (3) categories which are drive, frame and support improvements. DRIVE –In certain drive configurations, customers had reported issues with the rigidity of the drive mounting platform. By careful review …

LEWCO Provides Equipment for Robotic Integration

LEWCO manufactures heavy duty chain roller conveyor (CDLR) and right angle chain transfers (RAT) for heavy loads. For a recent order, LEWCO provided heavy duty CDLR and chain transfers for a customer’s 48″ x 90″, 6000 pound load being handled in a robotic integrated manufacturing cell. These large refractory-lined containers are brought in empty, and …

LEWCO Provides Carburizing Furnace Conveyor System

Standard LEWCO conveyor can be modified to handle high temperature products such as those typically needed for carburizing furnace feed and takeaway conveyor systems. In a recent order, LEWCO’s standard chain driven live roller conveyor, right angle chain transfers and gravity roller conveyors were adapted for this application by adding radiant heat shields, high temperature …