2.5” dia. Gravity Conveyor with Pneumatic Pop-Up Skatewheel for Cross Lane Transfer

2.5” dia. Gravity Conveyor with Pneumatic Pop Up Skatewheel for Cross Lane Transfer

Our customer faced the challenge of maneuvering 1,400 LB. automotive racks through a small footprint within their production area. Key requirements included accumulation of a small number of racks, and maintaining an ergonomic height for handling. The metal racks, with narrow (2″) perimeter runners and a limited footprint, presented a significant obstacle. Furthermore, the lift …

LEWCO Custom Pin Escapement and Modular Plastic Belting Conveyor

A budget and floor space restricted opportunity was presented to LEWCO by one of our integrators. The customer needed to convey two different sizes of round metal products in an alternating release to the next operation. LEWCO always recommends powered conveyors in any automatic process, but the customer was unable to justify a powered conveyor. …

LEWCO Drum Operator Push-off Sorting Lanes

LEWCO shipped a large conveyor system recently that included operator push-off sorting lanes for poly drums.  There is an elevated walkway along the outside of the powered roller conveyor, on which the operators walk/stand to sort the drums.  The rollers have full width Ultrex sleeves to minimize catch points and promote low friction. When a …

LEWCO Product Spotlight Featuring: Gravity Conveyors

Non-powered roller conveyors, or Gravity Conveyors, are the most economical and common method of conveying unit loads. The conveyors are typically mounted on a slight decline angle, therefore using gravity to assist product movement, especially for long distances.  They can also be used in applications where the conveyor is level and operators can push the …

LEWCO Dual Lane Gravity Conveyor for Automotive Rack Storage

A nationally known automotive manufacturer was having trouble accessing the correct racks as they were being stored somewhat randomly on floor area. After consultation with LEWCO and the LEWCO integrator the customer invested in a non-powered roller conveyor system with dedicated lanes for their product. Lift truck traffic was reduced which resulted in better inventory management. …

Heavy Duty Buffer Cell by LEWCO, Inc.

This system uses a combination of gravity roller conveyor, powered roller conveyor, and powered chain transfers.  Conveyors are sized for a robust solution, using 2607 gravity lanes (2.6” dia x 7ga wall), and wide CDLR35 chain driven roller conveyor (3.5” dia x .300” wall).  Heavy duty escapements comprised of pneumatic claw stops and RBB roller brakes are used to …