Variable Speed Controller provides the conveyor user to adjust the speed of the conveyor. This control is used between the power source and motor to provide short circuit and overload protection.

SPEED RANGE: 5: 1 turndown
ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE: NEMA 4X, Corrosion Resistant, NEMA 1, Indoor with limited protection
SUPPLY AND MOTOR VOLTAGE: 120/1/60, 208/1/60 240/1/60 NEMA1 also includes 208/3/60,240/3/60,480/3/60
MOTOR HORSEPOWER: 1/3 HP – 1 ½ HP NEMA 1 480/3/60 includes 2 HP, 3 HP, 5 HP
MOTOR ENCLOSURE TYPE: Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled and Inverter Duty